1. Red Rock Country (Sedona, Ariz.)
2. Mount Washington ở Pittsburgh về đêm
3. The upper Mississippi River
4. Hawaii's Na Pali Coast
5. Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco
6. Grafton, Vermont
7. Hồ Jenny ở Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
8. Từ Key Largo tới Key West ở Florida

9. Clingmans Dome dọc theo the Appalachian Trail ở Great Smoky Mountains National Park
10. The squares of Savannah, Ga.
25 địa danh đẹp nhất nước Mỹ vào mùa thu
3. lá vàng ở Mount Washington, New Hampshire
4. lá vàng ở Aspen, Colorado
5. lá vàng ở Catskills & Hudson Valley, New York Fall
6. lá vàng ở Columbia River Gorge, từ Oregon tới Washington.
7. lá vàng ở Denali Highway, Alaska
8. lá vàng ở Tahquamenon Falls, Michigan
9. lá vàng ở Kettle Moraine State Park, Wisconsin
10. lá vàng ở Mohawk Trail, Massachusetts-New York
11. lá vàng ở Glacier National Park – Montana
12. lá vàng dọc theo đường xe lửa Cumbres & Toltec từ Antonito, Colorado qua Chama, New Mexico
13. lá vàng ở Reno & Lake Tahoe 
14. lá vàng ở Colorado
15. lá vàng ở Arizona
16. lá vàng ở New Mexico
17. lá vàng ở vùng núi Intermountain
18. lá vàng ở Bắc Utah
19. lá vàng ở Lost Maples, Texas
20. lá vàng ở Zion National Park, Utah
21. lá vàng ở Utah
22. lá vàng ở Pikes Peak, Colorado
23. lá vàng ở Atlanta, Georgia
24. lá vàng ở Seattle, WA
25. lá vàng ở Lake Tahoe, CA
Những con đường lá vàng đẹp nhất mùa thu New England 14. lá vàng ở Colorado
15. lá vàng ở Arizona
17. lá vàng ở vùng núi Intermountain
18. lá vàng ở Bắc Utah
19. lá vàng ở Lost Maples, Texas
20. lá vàng ở Zion National Park, Utah
21. lá vàng ở Utah
22. lá vàng ở Pikes Peak, Colorado
23. lá vàng ở Atlanta, Georgia
24. lá vàng ở Seattle, WA
25. lá vàng ở Lake Tahoe, CA
Khu vực Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region:
Route 12A, Claremont to West Lebanon.
Route 31, Newport to Washington.
Route 103A & 103B, Lake Sunapee.
Route 118, Canaan to West Rumney.
Route 10, Hanover to Orford.
Route 4, Salisbury to Danbury.
Route 11, Georges Mills to Wendell, Route 103 to Newbury to Route 103A.
Scenic & Cultural Byway
Route 103 & 11, Newbury to New London.
Great North Woods Region:
Route 26, Colebrook-Dixville-Errol.
Route 16, Berlin to Errol.
Route 2, Lancaster to Shelburne.
Route 16, Milan to Errol (13 Mile Woods).
Route 3, from Colebrook to Canadian border.
Route 110 from Northumberland to Dummer.
Scenic & Cultural Byway
Mountain Road from Route 3 in Lancaster to the top of Mt. Prospect.
Lakes Region:
Route 109, Center Sandwich to Wolfeboro.
Route 140, Alton to Belmont.
Route 113, Holderness to South Tamworth & Silver Lake.
Route 3A & Newfound Lake Road, Bristol, Hebron & Bridgewater.
Route 11, Alton Bay to Glendale.
From Rt. 125, Milton to Rt. 109 in Sanbornville & Wakefield.
Scenic & Cultural Byway
Route 16 and along Routes 153, 125 and local roads Milton/Wakefield.
Merrimack Valley Region:
Route 4, Boscawen. Route 129, Loudon.
Route 127, Hopkinton to Salisbury.
Routes 13 & 77, Mont Vernon to Weare.
Route 28 to 28 Bypass, Derry and Manchester.
Scenic & Cultural BywayS
From Exit 16 off I-93 to Canterbury Shaker Village and back to Exit 18, I-93.
Apple Way, Londonderry; off Route 128.
Exit 5, Granite Street Bridge or Exit 6, Amoskeag Bridge to Commercial Street, Manchester.
Monadnock Region:
Pack Monadnock Summit Road, Miller State Park, Peterborough.
Route 119, West Rindge to Winchester.
Route 202, Hillsborough to West Rindge.
Route 10, Marlow to Winchester.
Route 123, Hancock to Marlow.
Rt. 137, Jaffrey to Bennington.
Rt. 101, Keene to Temple Mtn.
Rt. 124, Marlborough to Jaffrey.
Seacoast Region:
Route 1A, Hampton Beach to Portsmouth.
Route 101D, North Hampton.
Route 151, Greenland to North Hampton.
White Mountains Region:
Route 16, Conway to Errol.
Route 2, Lancaster to Shelburne.
Franconia Notch Parkway, Franconia to Lincoln.
Route 302, Bethlehem to Glen.
Route 10, Orford to Woodsville.
Route 112, North Woodstock to Bath.
Route 118, North Woodstock to Rumney.
Route 49 to Tripoli Rd., Waterville Valley.
Route 117 Franconia to Lisbon.
Bear Notch Road, Kancamagus Highway to Bartlett.
Scenic & Cultural BywayS
Kancamagus Highway, Route 112, Conway to Lincoln.
White Mountain Trail (a loop), Kancamagus Highway to Bear Notch Road to Bartlett, then Route 302 to I-93, the Franconia Notch Parkway to the Kancamagus Highway.
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Vermont drives: Upper Connecticut River Valley
From Woodstock: about 130 miles
Take Route 4 in Woodstock east to Taftsville.
In Taftsville turn right on to Route 12 to Hartland.
In Hartland turn right on to Route 5 and proceed to Windsor.
In Windsor take Route 44 west through Brownsville to the junction with Route 106.
Take Route 106 south to Felchville.
Follow Tyson Rd. west through South Reading to Tyson.
Take Route 100 north from Tyson through Plymouth Union, West Bridgewater, Sherburne Center, Pittsfield, Stockbridge, Talcville and Rochester.
In Rochester, travel east on Bethel Mountain Rd., Camp Brook Rd. to Route 12.
Take a left on to Route 12 north into Randolph.
Travel east on Route 66 through Randolph Center to East Randolph.
At the intersection of Routes 66 and 14 turn right, then almost immediately left on to Chelsea Rd., Angel Rd., Dickerman Rd. from East Randolph to Route 110.
Turn south on Route 110 through North Tunbridge to Tunbridge.
Go east on Town Highway #2/Strafford Rd., from Tunbridge through Strafford and to South Strafford.
In South Strafford take Route 132 west to Sharon.
Take Town Highway #3/Howe Hill Rd., south from Sharon through Hewitts Corners, on to Town Highway #1/Pomfret Rd. and through South Pomfret to Route 12 and into Woodstock. Points Of Interest
Sherburne: Killington Gondola
Strafford: Justin Smith Morrill Homestead
Plymouth: Calvin Coolidge Birthplace, Plymouth Cheese Corp.
Woodstock: VT Institute of Natural Science, Billings Farm & Museum, covered bridges in Windsor, Taftsville
Hartland: waterfalls
Greater Boston/Merrimack Valley
From Boston, take Rts. 2 and 4 to Lexington, then Rt. 2A to Concord’s famous North Bridge and Minute Man statue. From Concord Center, bear left at the fork on Sudbury Road. At the Sudbury line, the road becomes Concord Road and takes you through Sudbury Center and onto U.S. Rt. 20. Return via U.S. Rt. 20 through Waltham to Boston.
Bristol County
From the intersection of I-495 and I-95, head south on I-495, then take Rt. 140 South through Norton and past Wheaton College. Remain on Rt. 140 South to New Bedford. Then take Rt. 6 East or West. Rt. 6 East takes you to the charming seaside town of Fairhaven. From Rt. 6 West, take Rt. 177 to Westport, then Rt. 88 South to Horseneck Beach State Reservation.
Plymouth County
Just south of Boston, pick up Rt. 24 South, then take Rt. 104 to Bridgewater. Continue on Rt. 104, then Rt. 106 to Halifax. Rt. 58 South will take you to North Carver, where you’ll see cranberry bogs flooded with pools of crimson berries as the harvest gets underway. From North Carver, continue south on Rt. 58 to Rt. 28 East to Rt. 6 West and the towns of Wareham, Rochester, Marion, and Mattapoisett.
Cape Cod
From the Sagamore Bridge, take Rt.6A, the “Old King’s Highway,” which winds through the historic villages of Sandwich, Barnstable, Yarmouth, Dennis, and Brewster.
Central Massachusetts
Enjoy superb color at a relaxed pace when you drive along the less frequently traveled routes to the Quabbin Reservoir: From Rt. 128, follow Rt. 117 to Stow, in the heart of apple country, then Rt. 62 South and West to Princeton. Turn north on the unnumbered route to Wachusett Mountain Reservation. There you can drive, hike, or take a “skyride” to the summit for a sweeping view of the countryside. Return to Rt. 62 and head west to Barre, then south on Rt. 32 to Old Furnace Rd. Follow the unnumbered road west to Hardwick. Turn north on Rt. 32A, which runs along the Quabbin Reservoir to Petersham. At Petersham follow Rt. 101 East through Templeton, Gardner, and the Ashburnhams to the junction with Rt. 119. Head east on Rt. 119 through the Willard Brook State Forest in Ashby and Townsend.
Greater Springfield/Franklin County
The secondary roads of Rt. 116 and Rt. 9 wind through rolling countryside and hill towns. Rt. 116 passes through the picturesque towns of Conway and Ashfield; Rt. 9 leads through the village centers of Cummington and Goshen and the college towns of Northampton and Amherst. Scenic routes 143 and 112 travel through rolling New England countryside in the towns of Goshen, Chesterfield, Worthington and Huntington.
The Berkshires
Follow Rt. 7 North from Sheffield to Williamstown. Rt. 8 runs from Sandisfield to Dalton and is a superb route between two state forests. Rt. 183, from Great Barrington to Lenox, follows the Housatonic River and passes through small villages. Take Richmond Rd., off Rt. 183, just south of Tanglewood, and stop at the overlook for views of Stockbridge Bowl and the southern Berkshire Hills. Rt. 43 East, off Rt. 7, is the lower road to Williamstown, and passes through lovely farmland. Rt. 23, from Great Barrington to Monterey, and then right onto Tyringham Rd., takes you through the Tyringham Valley and eventually to Lee.
Mohawk Trail
The Mohawk Trail, which runs 63 miles along Rt. 2 from Orange to North Adams, is one of the state’s most popular foliage routes. Excellent “up-country” viewing sites include: the Whitcomb Summit; the hairpin turn before North Adams; the 10-mile drive to the summit of Mt. Greylock; the French King Bridge, Millers Falls; the Bissell Covered Bridge, Charlemont; and the enchanting Bridge of Flowers, Shelburne Falls.
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